Menellie Wants To Set SexyChris Up?

Now this has not been proven, we only have Jimmy Rizzo’s word for it, but here is what Rizzo is pissed with Menellie about at the moment.

According to JR, Menellie is wanting to get rid of SexyChris once and for all, and allegedly told Rizzo on a Skype call that he’s got a child porn torrent and was waiting till Chris went to the bathroom, then he was going to stream the cp and get Chris’ cast closed down.


Whether this is true or not, we can’t confirm. But as much as a c*nt Rizzo can be when he’s drunk, he’s not usually one to make something like that up.

He said he has blocked Menellie on Skype, deleted him from Facebook and even went in to Nellies cast to tell him.

Rizzo attacks Menellie

Now fair enough, we all know Rizzo deletes and re-adds people on a daily basis ( Ryderbak, Chris, Joe Walsh etc) but like i said, he may call them every name under the sun, but he doesn’t make up accusations like this though.

If and it’s a big IF Menellie was going to do this, then he’s one sick man. Why would you search for child porn, even if it was just to get somebody banned?

That’s some fooked up shit dude!

John eyes_99-165_2nd_optimized

One Thought to “Menellie Wants To Set SexyChris Up?”

  1. Angie2013

    If this is true, its a very sick twisted thing to do, and even want to search for.

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